Friday, August 28, 2015

Welcome back fellow locusts. I know we've all been busy with UE since it dropped this week but I did a little bit of reading and found this helpful thread:

If you're like me and you still need help with improving your shotgun shot then take a look -- it has lots of gifs and even a couple of explanatory photos. It's a quick couple of pages and should help improve your shot.

Enjoy, and happy hunting!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Gears Maps Available Now!

The new maps are up! Download them now!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Gears 3 for $35 and 800 bonus Microsoft Points!

We need to consider spreading the Rustlung illness to other humans so what better way than by using this deal:

Best buy has Gears 3 for $35 new and will even throw in 800 microsoft points for free. Spread the illness today!


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Gears Title Update 2

Looks like there is a new title update out for gears. For a full list of changes, copy and paste the following link:

The infamous Duo: Muffy and Rocky

As you may have noticed during some of our gears matches, there is a distinct bark or growl in the background. That growl/bark is coming from Muffy (the poodle). I thought you might enjoy seeing what the culprit looks like for yourselves.

As for Rocky (the chihuahua), he is usually quiet and stays out of trouble. Next time you hear a bark, remember that fluffy face!

Saturday, November 12, 2011


 Hey guys,

Here's one of yesterday's video from our match on Overpass. It's quite lengthy, so grab some snacks and enjoy the show!

P.S. I didn't record the one on Mercy :(

RAAM's Shadow DLC Details

Read here:

Also, here's a picture of featuring Alicia Valera, Tai, Kim, and Barrick. All 4 characters are new skins in the dlc. I call dibs on Alicia.