Thursday, October 20, 2011

RAAM's Shadow DLC!

Pit People,

Apparently new DLC is coming on Dec. 13th called Raam's Shadow DLC. Here is the article:

Due on Dec. 13, "RAAM's Shadow" sees Zeta Squad attempting to evacuate Illima City in the wake of Emergence Day. Your muscular protagonists for the trip are Michael Barrick (plucked from Gears of War comics), original character Alicia Valera, Gears of War 2's tattooed Tai Kaliso, and a perforation-free version of Lt. Kim. (Presumably, he's still got the codes.)

RAAM's running time is pegged at three hours, and it offers a couple of other bonuses. For $15 / 1200 MSP you'll also get six more multiplayer characters, the "chocolate" weapon set (we're unclear if that refers to a color scheme or a dairy-based construction), Achievements amounting to 250 Gamerscore and -- oh, what's this? "In addition to fighting as a new squad of Gears, players will step into the boots of RAAM himself, and for the first time storm the human stronghold from the perspective of one of the series' most legendary bosses."

As with the first round of upcoming DLC, "Horde Command," Gears of War 3 Season Pass owners get RAAM'd for free.

Looks like Knowie may get to play as Kim after all.

P.S. I'm still waiting on Skorge to make a return.


  1. Sweet! I just saw the official post on Epic's Blog. Raam was my favorite!! :):):)

  2. Can't wait play as Kim. Thanks for posting!
